8 hour long video in one-taake, a wall text and a rewritten example of The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith
At WORK WORK WORK – A Duo exhibition with Lise Tovesdatter Skou and Suada Demirovic
At [meter] exhibition space
Curated by Louise Lassen Iversen and Rie Hovmann Rasmussen / [meter]
Exhibition: 6th of October 2018 – 15th of December.
Place: [meter] – Henrik Rungs Gade 25 – 2200 Copenhagen N – Denmark
For the exhibition I presents the installation Rewriting Labour Value that comprises a wall text, an 8 hour long video recorded in one-take of the artist working on rewriting Wealth of a Nations by Adam Smith from 1776, plus the edited version of Wealth of a Nations.
The work focus is on the lacking consideration of how unpaid work ensure wealth.vThe installation takes its point of departure in the major work Wealth of a Nation (1776) by economist Adam Smith. The work focus is on the lacking consideration of how unpaid work helps ensure wealth.
work work work focuses on the nature of precarity, on collective working methods and organisation, the value of work and the lack thereof.
work work work is a exhibition that is self-reflective and takes a look at artists and curators’ own circumstances as cultural producers. The art industry is known to be infected by expectations of free labor and a general lack of money. Are these conditions we can change and if so, how?
As cultural producers we are more often than not a part of the new and fast growing social class called the precariat. A class defined by short term employment without protection and with fewer rights both economically, socially and politically. It is a social class that gathers people from across the traditional class system such as immigrants, unskilled workers and highly educated people, freelancers and project employed workers.
The exhibition is supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation and The City of Copenhagen.
Photo: Kristian Touborg